segunda-feira, setembro 15, 2008

This is for you BEN!!

Caros colegas macacos e frequentadores do templo…desculpem lá mas o próximo post vai ser em Inglês, prometi a um amigo que o faria.

Well, as many of you Monkeys know, last week I was in Check Republic, more precisely in Olomouc, where I was helping my Sister getting settled in. Some of you probably still don’t know but she is currently there studying Medicine….she doesn’t know when to stop studying. I already told her that its bad for her health but she doesn’t care!!!!

Probably you are wondering why Im writing in English (or trying to, at least). The Thing is that I met really great guys in Olomouc...and one of them, Ben (and his lovely girlfriend Emma), just showed me a sport that I didn’t know it existed….and since then im becoming a fan. I then told him I would write a post in this blog (I showed it to him) in English. If any of you more conservative monkeys are wondering if this Australian guy is worthy of such an honour let me just tell you guys that I saw this Thin, tall Aussie drinking 9 Litres….YES 9…. of beer, plus 1 Absinth, and 3 or 4 more shots that we didn’t know what it was!!!! AH…and in the end he was still standing (Kind of….we were both helping each other out). This guy is a true monkey!!!

The name of the sport is Australian Football…..I guess what happened was that because they suck at every knowned sport, they invented a new one that only they play….that’s why they are good at it.

The game is a team sport played between two teams of 18 players with a ball in the shape of a prolate spheroid. It is a football variant played outdoors on large oval shaped grass fields (often also used as a cricket ground), with four goal posts at each end.

I think i should leave you with some images……I think this was the perfect game for monkeys like the little calve or for Estronca..

P.S.- In fantasy football this year I will have my revenge….My team will win!!!!!

P.S. 2 – I met a English guy, his name is Gary, that he should be like a mentor for us…..the guy is ‘older’ then us…and still he was all the time with a beer in his hand and ready for party…a guy like this in Queima das Fitas would rule.

P.S.3- If any of you guys joke with my English… …..FUCK YOU!!!!

5 comentários:

Tiago Marques da Silva disse...

This is a very hardcore sport, but the equipment is very gay...! Such tiny shorts, looks like the 60's!!!
Anyway, i wouldn't try that sport... Looks like WWF, but with a ball... Or a "kind of" ball...
We are waiting for you Ben, for a really nice evening, drinking whatever comes to the table...

Pifo disse...

Bem, o Materazzi era um craque aqui...

Muga disse...

Matequê? Que menino! Isto é para o Eric Cantona ou até para um regresso em grande do Paulinho Santos!

Pifo disse...

Que nada! Binya, isso sim, sucesso imediato!!!

Estronca disse...

It would be fun to play with this Scotland they will call them fucking twats:))))

Just kiding...great game!:)
